100 Movies Mystery Bucket List Poster with white frame
At Gaia Wings, we’re crazy about movies. But we noticed some things about other movie checklist posters that we were desperately missing:
A way to rate the movies we watched
More information like the year each movie was made and who directed it
A way to reveal just the title in case we wanted to watch a specific movie instead of a mystery
So we created our own awesome scratch-off poster and included them all!
Now, watching movies with friends and family is more than just a fun experience – it’s a brand new tradition the whole gang will look forward to every week!
Q: “Any tips on how to pick movies?”
A: Yes! We recommend drawing numbers from a jar and matching them to the corresponding box on the poster or using a number in someone’s birthday to pick a box. You can also do it the good old-fashioned way, close your eyes and point to a spot on the poster.
What’s Included:
1x Scratch off movie poster
1x Hanging wooden poster frame (17.25”)
1x Scratching tool
1x Tool accessories bag
How to Use:
Pick a number to watch and scratch of the matching box with the included scratch tool.
Kick back with a bowl of popcorn and watch your mystery movie.
Rate the movie using the built-in scratch-off stars.
Optional: Don’t want your movie to be a mystery? Scratch off the bottom boxes of each movie to reveal the title before you watch!
Make Mystery Movie Night a Family Tradition
Order your top movies scratch off poster now and start creating fun-filled memories for years to come!